『MacKenzie-Childs』跟 Hunter Boot 聯名限定新款雨鞋MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Hunter Boots為奢華與傳統最好的詮釋,也是兩大品牌經典的組合:MacKenzie-Childs’ signature Courtly Check pattern X Hunter Boot’s signature Wellington。此雙鞋目前在 『MacKenzie-Childs』的門市與官網,美國的Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue都買的到。(MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Hunter Boots $195)
Hunter Boots我想大家應該不是很陌生,畢竟現在假貨也一堆。那『MacKenzie-Childs』是何方神聖?
『MacKenzie-Childs』是美國的家具奢華家飾品牌,基本上一個瓷碗就要$65-300多元之間,甚至更高。每次去晃『MacKenzie-Childs』都有Alice in Wonderland之感。
Troy, MI這邊的MN也有『MacKenzie-Childs』的販售點,每次來MN都要來『MacKenzie-Childs』走一趟
不過MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Hunter Boots挑人穿,Nico試穿的感覺有點顯胖,不過這雙鞋真的是很搶眼。
如果不在乎修飾且口袋夠深的話,是可以入手的限定款。這邊附上Kourtney Kardashian’s MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Hunter Boots的照片,讓大家想像一下穿起來的樣子。(不過Kourtney Kardashian拍這張照時是懷孕的歐。)
About MacKenzie-Childs:
Established in 1983 and based in Aurora, New York,
MacKenzie-Childs is a designer, manufacturer, and multi-channel
merchant of high quality, handcrafted ceramics, enamel tableware,
furniture, home decor, garden furniture, decorative and personal
accessories. The brand is best known for distinctive designs which
combine vibrant colors and pattern-on-pattern surface decoration to
create a fresh, original aesthetic best described as "tradition with a
twist." For more information visit www.mackenzie-childs.com.
About Hunter Boot:
Hunter Boot
is an iconic global brand with over 150 years of tradition and
heritage. Since its founding in 1856, there has been a strong commitment
to innovation, technology, performance and design. Beloved for its
design in 1955 of the green knee high Wellington,
the introduction of fresh new styles and colorways have allowed the
brand to firmly cement its position as the "welly of choice" among
outdoorsmen and fashion trendsetters alike, evolving into a full
lifestyle brand. Over the years, Hunter has received much recognition,
but particular pride is taken in The Royal Warrants of Appointment as
suppliers of waterproof footwear to HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. For more information visit www.hunter-boot.com.
(Source: MacKenzie-Childs)