
今天來跟大家介紹Nico在紐約很喜歡的一間咖啡店- The Grey Dog (灰狗咖啡)。
The Grey Dog 在紐約現有三家分店,今天主要分享的則是位於West Village(西村)33 Carmine St (between Bleecker St & Avenue Of The Americas) 的分店。
那天會來這間分店,除了是創始店 (Since 1996),再來就是附近在Sunday有Farmer's Market, 就一邊閒晃,順道來The Grey Dog喝杯咖啡,吃點心。
這家店氣氛超好,也很多打扮入時的紐約客前來,店員還跟我們說,有些客人可能一天就來2-3次,完全把The Grey Dog 當自己家。

除了著名的咖啡,The Grey Dog 也有簡單的餐飲服務,像是它們的 , 「French Toast」.「Raspberry Mustard」.「Michigan Sandwiches」還有Brunch/ Breakfast 都很出名。「Chocolate/Peanut Cookie」.「Chocolate/ Oatmeal Cookie」也非常美味。如果不喝咖啡的人,一定要試試Mexican Hot Chocolates.
我們點的 Cappuccino ($4.50). Latte ($4.50). Chocolate/ Oatmeal Cookie (Around $4)
Lattle 咖啡味比Starbucks重,奶泡也比較綿密。跟Nico在DC的愛店『Peregrine Espresso』有得比!
Chocolate/ Oatmeal Cookie 非常厚實,很好吃,也很有飽足感。


這間店真的非常棒,想要體驗道地New Yorker喝的咖啡店,一定要來The Grey Dog (灰狗咖啡).
The Grey Dog (灰狗咖啡)
33 Carmine St
(between Bleecker St & Avenue Of The Americas)
New York, NY 10014
Neighborhood: West Village
(212) 462-0041
90 University Pl
(between 11th St & 12th St)
New York, NY 10003
Neighborhood: Greenwich Village
(212) 414-4739
242 W 16th St
(between 7th Ave & 8th Ave)
New York, NY 10011
Neighborhood: Chelsea
(212) 229-2345
Brand Story
In 1996 the Grey Dog coffeehouse was created. She was named after Moose and Goose, our two labrador retrievers, one white the other black. The goal was to build a small coffeehouse in the world's great city. We wanted to concentrate on little things that often get lost in big city life, like getting to know the names of our patrons and serving wonderful fresh foods at very reasonable prices.
We hoped the neighborhood would grow to trust us and make our dining room an extension of their homes Most importantly, we would forever devote ourselves to being present and available to our staff and customers at all times.
Years later, it's hard to tell whether we are popular or it's the same hundred or so people coming into the Grey Dog two or three times a day. Regardless, this much is true: today there are three little coffeehouses in the heart of New York City, and we love our neighbors very much. Everyday you come to drink our brew, sit in our shade and fill your bellies with our fare... And the dog is happy.
(Source: )