這次The Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair,Nico只能在門口意思拍一下跟大家分享,因為販售多為藝術品,很多賣家都很介意遊客拍照留念,所以Nico就不拍啦!
Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair雖然是Outdoor Event,但不能狗狗來(But service animals welcomed)!
好險我有先上網查資料,其實 Nico很 Surprised!
因為通常 Outdoor Events多半都可以帶狗狗,我超想帶Bella來培養一下她的藝術細胞。


其實像這種Outdoor Event,可選擇的食物種類是不會少的,可是有特色Local的料理其實並不多,多半都是大同小異,還有些是專門跑戶外活動連鎖攤販,其實不是很能吸引我。
再加上最近很常去這類型活動,所以對這款食物吃到沒啥感覺,而且既然在Ann Arbor當然去找好吃的東西啦!
先去『Frita Batidos』吃了創意又划算的古巴式輕食點心,再去『Cupcake Station 』,外帶兩個Cupcake回家,開心!


再加上Nico很需要Stay Cool!所以想看他們賣些啥飲料?

結果就是在小朋友在自家門口賣Ice tea and Lemonade! 當然大人在旁邊看著,不過不插手。

買了杯Ice Tea,Nico就被這可愛的小妹妹拉到旁邊推銷她的藝術作品,她跟我們說一附畫$1,只剩兩個歐.....!


各位朋友!錯過了這次Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair沒關係,在 2011September 24 & 25, Birmingham, MI也有一場37th Annual Common Ground's Birmingham Street Art Fair可看歐!
The Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair
July 20 – 23, 2011
Wednesday – Friday, 10 am – 9 pm
Saturday, 10 am – 6pm
Join us as the Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair transforms Ann Arbor into an impressive outdoor art festival showcasing the best in fine art and fine crafts. This award-winning, juried fair features ceramics, painting, jewelry, sculpture, photography, glass, wood, fiber and much more!
Pets not allowed; service animals welcomed. Buses & Trolley are wheelchair accessible and air-conditioned. Wheelchairs are available at the fairs, 734.975.6800 for info.
Fairgoers can also enjoy lively street corner entertainment, artists’ demonstrations, children’s activities and the distinctive shops and restaurants of Ann Arbor. The convenient Art Fair Shuttle with two park and ride locations brings you into the heart of the fair.