
(Brazilian Peel™, $78)
(Brazilian Peel™, 單隻近拍實品照)
Nico沒事就愛上Sephora晃晃,這次要跟大家分享的是剛從Sephora發現的好物:『Brazilian Peel™ 』!
有看過慾望城市的網友應該都知道巴西式除毛(Brazilian waxes)吧!Brazilian waxes的特色就是除毛除的很徹底,像比基尼線,私密處的毛都可以除的乾乾淨淨。
不過今天Nico不是要跟大家講Brazilian waxes,是要講『Brazilian Peel™ 』,照字面上的意思,可是解讀成巴西式去皮?巴西是剝皮?不過有沒有那麼可怕啊!
其實要跟大家分享的『Brazilian Peel™ 』是第一個居家醫療級的換膚商品,會叫『Brazilian Peel™ 』是因為內含主要的兩種天然的換膚成分: rejuvenating glycolic acid and açai,皆是萃取自巴西亞遜河雨林。雖然是居家療程,但卻可以讓使用者達到去醫美中心一樣的效果,卻一點副作用都沒有,聽起來是不是覺得很神啊!
基本上一個完整的『Brazilian Peel™ 』療程是四劑($78),一個禮拜用一劑。不過因為Nico的皮膚比較敏感,既期待又怕受傷害,所以先單買個兩劑來試試看(一劑單買是$19.5)。以下是開箱文!
每次訂Sephora都可以挑三樣Sample試用,特別推薦 Supergood! 的SPF 30 Sunscreen Swipes with Zinc for Sensitive Skin,此商品是今年夏天Nico防曬法寶,另一個推薦的就是木質調的Boyfriend香水,很合夏天用。至於最右方的是Caudalie 出的 Vinoperfect Day Perfecting Cream SPF 15 用起來也不錯。
現在來看看『Brazilian Peel™ 』吧!看起來還蠻想醫療級的商品。
把『Brazilian Peel™ 』擠出來在手心。
接下來用兩根手指頭將『Brazilian Peel™ 』混合之後,會馬上感到熱能。『Brazilian Peel™ 』便會呈現透明膠狀。
接下來便是把『Brazilian Peel™ 』擦敷在全臉上,Nico在這就不Po照嚇大家啦!

把『Brazilian Peel™ 』擦敷整張臉之後,當下的感覺就像用膠水把臉撐緊,非常的緊繃,也不太能說話。
針對『Brazilian Peel™ 』號稱可以達到的效果有:除了減少細紋(目前本身沒啥明顯細紋),增強幅膚膠原蛋白的再生能力(無法明顯即時感受判斷);但平滑,緊實,明亮膚質都有明顯的感受,推薦給大家。
PS: Nico尚未作過任何醫美療程所以無從比較。
Brazilian Peel™
What it is:
The first professional-strength, self-neutralizing glycolic peel clinically proven safe for at-home use.
What it does:
The Brazilian Peel™ instantly firms, noticeably smoothes, and brightens skin with just one use. Fine lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced after four weekly applications and a radiant, youthful complexion is maintained with continued weekly use. The Brazilian Peel™ will not cause redness or irritation.
What it is formulated WITHOUT:
- Parabens
- Sulfates
- Synthetic Fragrances
- Synthetic Dyes
- Petrochemicals
- Phthalates
- GMOs
- Triclosan
Research Results:
- 100% of the evaluable subjects had improvements in skin brightness in at least one area of the face, as graded by the investigating dermatologist.
- At least 45% of the subjects had improvements in mottled pigmentation, as graded by the investigating dermatologist.
- At least 70% of the subjects found their skin to be softer and smoother.
- At least 70% of the subjects had increased facial brightness.
- At least 70% of the subjects found their skin to feel firmer and more toned.
- More than 50% of the subjects found their skin to have a visible overall improvement in the uniformity of their complexion.
- More than 50% of the subjects had a visual improvement in their facial texture.
- More than 50% of the subjects found their skin to have a more youthful appearance.
- More than 28% saw a visible reduction in the lines on their forehead, brow, and eye areas.